Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Open to new things

I have seen several people that have not allowed themselves to be open to new eperiences or ne people and they lose such an amazing opportunity in their life to grow and learn from. This implies to relationships intimate or professional the same. When you allow yourself to give in and enter a friendship, intimate relationship that you would usually not the majic that may await you is spectacular. I have entered this realm and I have become the happiest, love struck woman I know. It is amazing how that one chance encounter or that one conversation or saying yes to a first date can change the rest of your life.

I am here to say do not give up on the goodness of others or yourself. Don't feel that there are no good people in the world. Even the person at work everyone says is mean and rude, can be ever pleasant to you, because your attitutde and hance taken to talk to them has allowed that sie of them to be expressed. Do not limit your ability to postively affect the lives of those around.

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