Friday, July 2, 2010


Relationships are like the seasons, we cannot think that we can continue to do the same things and we will grow. We too need to change as the leaves and snow, and rain feed off of each other to bring these wonderful changes to the world around us. Never allow yourself to give up on the one you hold truest to yourself. It makes no difference what the situation is, unless physical or emotional abuse is taking place, working together can create a change in the tides you would never have expected.

Be willing to be open and honest and share dreams, fears and hopes with one another. Togetherness means thinking in terms of 'us' rather than 'me'. Don't be afraid to open up and share these things with the person you hold dear. If you continue to hold things back, you will be pushing them away and you may regret not having been more to and for that person. Keep loving, kissing and talking.

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