Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Looking towards the future

Last night I was thinking to myself about all that I have accomplished all that I still ahve left to do. I am in school working on my 2nd Masters in Mental Health Counseling and going to pursue a dual degree with Marriage and Family Therapy as well. It seems like I have no time for msyelf and it is beginning to take it's toll on me. I am dwelling on my relationship and analyzing what I am getting out of it and how much more can I give and receive out of this. I am pushing forward, but feel like I am doing it alone.

I have made my needs, wants and desires for the future known and it seems to be taking effect possitively, but until I can get a handle on my own issues I don't think we will move forward enough to make an impactful difference in our relationship. Between school, my child, work, my relationship and trying to promote my book, I am stretched thin.

I know that is all worth it, because I would not take back anyone in my life or change my drive for a better me and life with my son and boyfriend. It is hard, but I know remaining strong and focused will help us all get to where we all want to be.

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