Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How did I get here?

Sitting down and figuring out where you are in your life is an important step that many should be willing to take. To ponder upon your accomplishments and unsuccessful endeavors is very nourishing to the soul and mind. If we do not review our past, we may continue to make the same mistakes. It is important to remember that we as a person must decide our path. Noone else chooses this for us, not our parents, lovers, or friends; they may nudge us in a specific direction, but in charge they are not. Take responsibility for your own actions and you will begin to feel empowerment.

Allow yourself the humility to learn from your errors and to learn from others. We can learn so much from anyone we meet, but if you are not open to this opportunity you will lose a chance to grow and learn. Always love yourself and be true to you, before you can do this with anyone else.

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