Friday, November 8, 2013

Choosing not to be a Sheep

Our Government who is supposed to be in charge of our well being has -- for many years --  been setting up our society to fail!  From our beginning only a few; who have been chosen, breed, and educated only to run our world have strategically been plotting and in a chess-like way giving and taking as would God. 

It seems fewer and fewer persons are publicly choosing to speak against all of the "WRONGS" being set to certain classes.  Where has our societal drive for doing the right thing gone?  It has been set into longer work hours.  Our "leaders" allowing laziness to take place amongst those they may deem as "less". 

The fact that the only way to obtain and maintain assistance is to "know your role" and not look for a better is life is significant.  Why is that only those who lie for assistance redeem these benefits?  Personally speaking; I was out of work for almost 2 years and because I am not practically homeless I was given only $63 per month for food assistance for my son and I. 

I know a person who lies, and lives alone that gets over $150 in food assistance.  Is this fair?  Does living with your parents mean they help you with all living expenses?    Why is that when I decided to attend nursing school --  in pursuit of another career --  I was denied assistance to pay for my child's daycare?  These personal encounters with state help have lead me to believe that attempting to truly better yourself and your situation cause the lack of assistance.

My response is that the "haves" are not trying to help, but cage.  Many Republican or non Democratic supporters feel that Obama is an anti-Christ and that he is ruining our world.  I stand firm in my belief that no 1 person can run our world.  Obama; and all of his predecessors were simply pawns.  We are not a Communist society -- how can 1 person be responsible for all that goes array? 

For those who choose not to think and be told what to think by our "News" are not able to understand these ideas.  For those who respectfully question our leaders and reasoning behind their motives will see more from my words.  Learn the ideas of those you may not agree with -- this leads to true understanding of what you are against.  Do not become ignorant and allow differences in beliefs to hinder your personal growth.

Think for yourself and question what we are being fed -- Both figuratively and literally. 

God Bless -- Which ever one you worship.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Trusting in God enough to trust in yourself

Trusting in God enough to trust in yourself

It seems that we often doubt our intuition. We always know when someone or something isn't right or good. But too often we find excuses to not listen to our inner voice and ignore what God is speaking to us from within. I am guilty of this act too many times to recount and too ashamed to do so. But until I realized how to listen to myself I kept repeating the same mistakes. I thought that was only a myth; but it's very true. You continue to repeat the same “crazy” mistakes until you grow enough and decide to look within and not blame others for what happens.

I understand and accept that this is a challenging truth. No one wants to see their own flaws, but until you can accept, acknowledge and attempt to change or control your personal problems and issues you will continue to go through the same circle and wonder why things do not work. It's not pretty to look within and it's not easy to try and change yourself, but really – it's easier than trying to change someone else.

From a Psychological perspective, when you cannot change your environment, you change yourself and the people and things around you will change accordingly. Believe me I have struggled through this very situation. I have cursed out exes in my mind, but one day I thought back on what I told a 6th grade student I worked with. She was complaining that every school she attends the girls turn against her and how girls are so terrible. I told her “have you thought about what the same thing is at every school?'” I said “it's you... you have to look at what you are doing that makes everyone react the same way no matter where you go.”

It took several years of making the same stupid mistake and not listening to my inner self to realize I have to change the way I am so that others change the way they react and treat me. This happened when I was turning 30 years-old. I had several months of serious introspection. I took several half days to spend time with myself and write about my feelings and realize my anger, regrets and accept that it was me that had to change so that things and people around me changed. This process took a great deal of time, but when you begin to accept your imperfections and learn to first accept, love, respect and cherish yourself will anyone else begin to do the same.

Others will treat you the way you allow them to and how you treat yourself and feel you should be treated. So, begin the process of introspection, and begin to change yourself instead of hoping others will change to conform to you. Realize you are not perfect and accept and embrace your flaws; they will not be seen as imperfections by someone who really wants to love and care for you.

These words do not come from a blind or judgmental place. These words come from deep within me through my own process and realization of these “facts of life”. Love yourself enough to know when someone isn't.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Starting over

After being in a long term relationship. I mean one that is over 2 years, it is difficult to move forward. It is necessary to take time for yourself and reflect on what happened in that relationship. This purpose is to reflect not blaming the other person, but taking responsibility for what you put into the union and what you may have done wrong or should have done more with that person.

Moving on can be a trying task, especially when there are not many individuals in the world willing to give them self to truly being in a relationship. Sometimes the hurt from the past succeeds our ability to move on. This is something we can control. Not allowing yourself to be happy with another is a disservice to yourself. This is giving your previous partner way too much power over your happiness. Do they really deserve to be idealized and respected? Don't you deserve to be happy and find that person who can appreciate what the other couldn't? Don't you deserve to share moments and work towards a life with someone who will not pull out on you?

The answer is yes, you do deserve these things. So, lets stop dwelling in the past and focus on the future. What you had is gone, but you will get is in store. Be positive about your flaws and your strengths, they work together to make you special and unique. If one can't accept who you are, another will. Don't forget to respect and love yourself, that is the only way another can do the same.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Solutions needed

In a world where most of the population is struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table more economic upheaval is upon us. The idea that a football player, because they can get hurt to the point of not being able to work gets paid sooo much money that they can care for at least 5 families is absurd. Construction workers put their lives at risk, so do police officers, why are they not given excessive salaries as well? This divide is what is said to make this country great; but it's exactly what makes this country fall into recessions and depressions of the economy.

Greedy people continue to rule the country and they have no morality as to how they fund their lavish lifestyles. Donating to a cause where they don't really need the funding is a mockery, perhaps donating funding to non-profit organizations that are within the communities that require assistance should be a better way to spend your tax write off. The level of hypocrisy is baffling to me and the way the world has come to accept and go along with these inconsistencies is beyond my thought.

A system where one day everyone is approved for a house, then those same struggling home owners are forced out of their homes because they were approved under false pretenses. The bank knew they were not able to make those increasing payments. If they were given a rate today, they should have been given a fixed rate so that they were likely to keep their homes, but instead interest increased annually or after 5 years and now we have a foreclosure rate as high as our unemployment rate.

When will the government realize that instead of bailing out the rich, they should be assisting the everyday person, who feeds the economy. The "middle class" is who buys a new car in this country not special ordered in Italy, the "middle class" goes out and buys clothes from the department stores that provide jobs locally. I hope that eyes are opened and minds open to provide this country a real chance to prosper and live up to our hype.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Connecting to yourself

At times it feels that not all is going well, or nothing is right with you or your choices. These realities can be difficult to face, but staying firm to your beliefs can help. Many of us do not know how to connect to ourselves and understand our individual power.

Individual power to know what we should really be doing and where we should be going with our lives. The pressures of society to move towards a specific career or to be a certain type of person can be overwhelming. Take time to search within yourself and see what guides you and where it guides in your life. The cessation of the self is where we go wrong, not growing as a person is the biggest down fall we can possibly make. Growing in self, life, career and love are important factors to any individuals success.

To begin this process you must first take time to be alone and contemplate your positives, and the negatives about your own character. It can be difficult to face ther truth of our own short comings, but without this reflection no improvements can be made. Ponder upon your decisons made and how the results affected you and those around you. Learn from your past and the goal is to not repeat these errors, for without learning there is no lesson.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Knowing when you need help

There are times in your life that the treat of losing something so wonderful forces to take a closer look at yourself. admitting that you need help does not mean that you are weak; it's the opposite really. Knowing that you need help and going out to get it is a way to show your strength and your realization that you cannot control everything on your own. Seeing what you need to do makes you feel strong in that you can acknowledge that you are not strong on your own, and you need to get the help so that your stregnth can continue to grow along with those important people in your life.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Relationship Problems--What to do?

When do problems of one party in the relationship begin to negatively affect the other? Sometimes when one person in the relationship is going through changes or is beginning to question how they feel, and they express this to the other party, it begins to change things. Deciding to work it out is one thing, but putting in the REAL effort to change things is another. Can you just say I love you and I don't want to lose you and it's supposed to make things better?

Can you remove the doubts, fear or hesitation your partner now feels because of what has been said? No, but the qustion now becomes, should you have said anything? Who knows. The issue now becomes where you do you go from here? Is it worth trying to fix. You have to decide. Do you TRUELY love this person enough to work things out? This can be a difficult dilemma, especially when it feels like you may be growing apart.

You may begin to have feelings for another person who you think you are connecting to, but it's really because you are losing that connection with your partner. How do you come back from that? This is an individual or couples issue, and noone else can answer this but the two persons in the relationship. Good luck.